The government on Friday, following the changes being put in effect on GST rates on about 200 items, allowed companies to paste a price sticker on packaged products to reflect new maximum retail price (MRP) until December. GST was rolled out on July 1 following which companies were asked to paste new price stickers on packaged commodities to reflect the new maximum retail price (MRP) until September. The deadline was later extended until December. The permission to paste additional price stickers was given under the Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011. Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan in a statement said, GST rates have been reduced on some products and therefore the ministry has given the permission to “affix an additional sticker or stamping or online printing for declaring the reduced MRP on the pre-packaged commodity.” Notably, the new price sticker has to be pasted on the product along with the old MRP. Manufacturers have time until December this yea...