Cash-back offer for payments made via RuPay cards, BHIM App, UPI A Group of State Finance Ministers on GST discount, headed by Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi, on Friday gave its nod for incentivising digital payments through a cash back mechanism. As much as 20 per cent of total GST paid up to ₹100 per transaction would be provided as cash back on digital payments made through RuPay cards, BHIM App and UPI. This move will benefit RuPay card holders as well as BHIM App users, especially those in semi-urban and rural areas, Modi told reporters here after the meeting. Even if 20 per cent of total RuPay card and Bhim App users avail this benefit, the total revenue outgo in a year for the exchequer will not be more than ₹1,000 crore, Modi added. He also said that Centre and States would equally share the spend on this front. Modi said the proposal will now be taken up by the GST Council, at its meeting on Saturday. Interestingly, the decision will apply onl...