The Government intends to add 1.3 crore new income tax filers during the current fiscal, the Finance Ministry informed the Lok Sabha on Monday. Minister of State for Finance Anurag Singh Thakur, in a written reply, said the new target is against 1.1 crore filers added during FY19. For achieving the new target, various measures are being taken including identification of potential non-filers through centralised Non-filer Monitoring System (NMS), formulation of region-specific strategies for identifying potential non-filers, issue of statutory notices to enforce compliance, holding of outreach programmes to encourage voluntary compliance, use of mass media for creating awareness, simplification in income-tax returns and filing process to encourage voluntary filing, etc. he said. The Government is also examining recommendations of a committee for granting certain privileges to some categories of taxpayers. These could be giving access to lounges at domestic and international airport...